Relationship Management LLC. 

Transition from turbulence to tranquility

About Us

The symbol of the phoenix is one of hope, restoration, rebirth, and resurrection. The phoenix usually shows up during times of tragedy as a sign of hope that things will get better. 

We at Phoenix & Associates Relationship Management LLC believe every person deserves to feel a level of tranquility. At Phoenix & Associates Relationship Management LLC we manage relationships to create levels of tranquility.

The symbolism of the phoenix plays a significant role in the philosophy of Phoenix and Associates Relationship Management LLC. As a young track and field athlete, our founder was a member of a track club that encountered a political situation that resulted in the athletes forming a new track club. It was decided that the new club would be named Phoenix Athletic Associates. The coach of this club gave his entire life creating opportunities for under resourced youth and encouraging them to reach for the stars and beyond. His ability to encourage young people to aspire to higher heights and to sore like the phoenix out of the ashes of their former situations was nothing but astonishing. 

This organization is founded to continue the legacy and philosophies of coach Mr. Nestor (Thomas) Brown. His work produced Trinidad and Tobago’s first world champion who was coached only within the shores of Trinidad and Tobago, and the first world junior record holder who held the record for 13 years, numerous NCAA I, NCAA II, and NAIA National Champions and All Americans. Most importantly, he changed many lives using track and field. This organization, its mission, and philosophies, are in dedication to the life’s work of Mr. Nestor (Thomas) Brown.